In [32]:
import json
from math import sin, cos, tan, pi, radians
import numpy as np

In [69]:
with open('isd.isd', 'r') as f:
    isd = json.load(f)

For a framing camera the interior orientation (intrinsic matrix) requires (at a minimum):

  • a distortion model
  • focal point
  • principal point offset

The example that we have been working on looks like a pinhole ground to image projection, defined as:

$$\begin{bmatrix} w \cdot u \\ w \cdot v \\ w \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{K} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{Rt} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} X\\ Y\\ Z\\ 1 \end{bmatrix} $$


$$\begin{bmatrix} w \cdot u \\ w \cdot v \\ w \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} f & s & u_{0} \\ 0 & \alpha f & v_{0} \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_{x} \\ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_{y} \\ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_{z} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} X\\ Y\\ Z\\ 1 \end{bmatrix} $$

K is the intrinsic matrix (interior orientation), R is the extrinsic matrix (exterior orientation), and t is the translation. In the extrinsic matrix $\alpha$ (pixel aspect ratio) and $s$ (skew) are often assume to be unit and zero, respectively. $f$ is the focal length (in pixels) and ($u_{0}, v_{0}$) are the optical center (principal point).

The second resource below suggests that t can be thought of as the world origin in camera coordinates.

Focal Length Conversion from mm to pixels

  • If the sensor's physical width is known: $focal_{pixel} = (focal_{mm} / sensor_{width}) * imagewidth_{pixels}$
  • If the horizontal FoV is known: $focal_{pixel} = (imagewidth_{pixels} * 0.5) / \tan(FoV * 0.5)$


In [162]:
# 512, 512 are the focal width/height in pixels divided by 2
def create_intrinsic_matrix(focal_length, image_width, sensor_width=14.4, skew=0, pixel_aspect=1):
    focal_pixels = (focal_length / sensor_width) * image_width  # From the IK - how do we get 14.4 automatically
    print( 'These should be equal.', focal_pixels * sensor_width / 1024, focal_length)
    intrinsic_matrix = np.zeros((3,3))
    intrinsic_matrix[0,0] = focal_pixels
    intrinsic_matrix[1,1] = focal_pixels
    intrinsic_matrix[:,2] = [512.5, 512.5, 1]
    return intrinsic_matrix

K = create_intrinsic_matrix(isd['focal_length'], isd['nsamples'])

These should be equal. 549.1178195372703 549.1178195372703
[[  3.90483783e+04   0.00000000e+00   5.12500000e+02]
 [  0.00000000e+00   3.90483783e+04   5.12500000e+02]
 [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00]]

Here we define:

$$L = \begin{bmatrix} X_{L}\\ Y_{L}\\ Z_{L} \end{bmatrix} $$

In [8]:
L = np.array([isd['x_sensor_origin'],

array([ 1728357.70312383, -2088409.00610426,  2082873.92805574])
$$\begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ z \end{bmatrix} = k\mathbf{M} \begin{bmatrix} X - X_{L}\\ Y - Y_{L}\\ Z - Z_{L} \end{bmatrix}$$

, where $(x, y, -f)$ are in image coordinates, $k$ is a scale factor, $\mathbf{M}$ is a 3x3 rotation matrix, and $(X,Y,Z)$ represent the object point.

In [22]:
object_point = np.array([1116890, -1604470, 1459570])

# Discard scale momentarily.
k = 1

# Compute M
o = isd['omega']
p = isd['phi']
k = isd['kappa']
M = opk_to_rotation(o, p, k)

xyz =

# And now reverse because M is orthogonal
L0 = (M.T).dot(xyz)
print(L, L0)  # These should be equal.

[ 1728357.70312383 -2088409.00610426  2082873.92805574] [ 1728357.70312383 -2088409.00610427  2082873.92805574]

Example from Mikhail

In [66]:
def opk_to_rotation(o, p, k):
    Convert from Omega, Phi, Kappa to a 3x3 rotation matrix
    o : float
        Omega in radians
    p : float
        Phi in radians
    k : float
        Kappa in radians
     : ndarray
       (3,3) rotation array
    om = np.empty((3,3))
    om[:,0] = [1,0,0]
    om[:,1] = [0, cos(o), -sin(o)]
    om[:,2] = [0, sin(o), cos(o)]
    pm = np.empty((3,3))
    pm[:,0] = [cos(p), 0, sin(p)]
    pm[:,1] = [0,1,0]
    pm[:,2] = [-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]
    km = np.empty((3,3))
    km[:,0] = [cos(k), -sin(k), 0]
    km[:,1] = [sin(k), cos(k), 0]
    km[:,2] = [0,0,1]

def collinearity(f, M, camera_position, ground_position, principal_point=(0,0)):
    XL, YL, ZL = camera_position
    X, Y, Z = ground_position
    x0, y0 = principal_point
    x = (-f * ((M[0,0] * (X - XL) + M[0,1] * (Y - YL) + M[0,2] * (Z - ZL))/
              (M[2,0] * (X - XL) + M[2,1] * (Y - YL) + M[2,2] * (Z - ZL)))) + x0
    y = (-f * ((M[1,0] * (X - XL) + M[1,1] * (Y - YL) + M[1,2] * (Z - ZL))/
              (M[2,0] * (X - XL) + M[2,1] * (Y - YL) + M[2,2] * (Z - ZL)))) + y0
    return x, y, -f

def collinearity_inv(f, M, camera_position, pixel_position, elevation, principal_point=(0,0)):
    XL, YL, ZL = camera_position
    x, y = pixel_position
    Z = elevation
    x0, y0 = principal_point
    X = (Z-ZL) * ((M[0,0] * (x - x0) + M[1,0] * (y - y0) + M[2,0] * (-f))/
                  (M[0,2] * (x - x0) + M[1,2] * (y - y0) + M[2,2] * (-f))) + XL
    Y = (Z-ZL) * ((M[0,1] * (x - x0) + M[1,1] * (y - y0) + M[2,1] * (-f))/
                  (M[0,2] * (x - x0) + M[1,2] * (y - y0) + M[2,2] * (-f))) + YL    

    return X,Y

o = radians(2)
p = radians(5)
k = radians(15)

XL = 5000
YL = 10000
ZL = 2000

# Interior Orientation
x0 = 0.015  # mm
y0 = -0.02  # mm
f = 152.4  # mm

# Ground Points
X = 5100
Y = 9800
Z = 100

M = opk_to_rotation(o,p,k)  # Distortion model here?

# This is correct as per Mikhail
x, y, _ = collinearity(f, M, [XL, YL, ZL], [X, Y, Z], [0,0])
print(x, y)
x, y, _ = collinearity(f, M, [XL, YL, ZL], [X, Y, Z], [x0,y0])

# And now the inverse, find X, Y
Z = 500  # Provided by Mikhail - his random number
print(collinearity_inv(f, M, [XL, YL, ZL], [x, y], Z, (x0, y0)))

15.159103814 -26.4494716705
15.174103814 -26.4694716705
(5078.9473684210525, 9842.105263157895)

Now with our Messenger Camera

In [70]:
# First from pixel to ground:
f = isd['focal_length']

XL = isd['x_sensor_origin']
YL = isd['y_sensor_origin']
ZL = isd['z_sensor_origin']

# We know that the pixel size is 0.014^2 mm per pixel (14.4mm / 1024 pixels)
pixel_size = 0.014

x0 = 512 * pixel_size  # Convert from pixel based principal point to metric principal point
y0 = 512 * pixel_size 
f = isd['focal_length']

M = opk_to_rotation(o,p,k)

# This is image to ground
X, Y = collinearity_inv(f, M, [XL, YL, ZL], [10.2,5.1], 1000, (x0, y0))
print('Ground: ', X, Y, 1000)  # Arbitrary 1000m elevation - here is where iteration with intersection is needed.

# Now reverse!  This is ground to image

# These are in mm and need to convert to pixels
x, y, f = collinearity(f, M, [XL, YL, ZL], [X, Y, 1000], [x0,y0])

Ground:  1559353.47546 -2020326.73115 1000
10.2 5.1

In [1]:
def opk_to_rotation(o, p, k):
    Convert from Omega, Phi, Kappa to a 3x3 rotation matrix
    om = np.empty((3,3))
    om[:,0] = [1,0,0]
    om[:,1] = [0, cos(o), -sin(o)]
    om[:,2] = [0, sin(o), cos(o)]
    pm = np.empty((3,3))
    pm[:,0] = [cos(p), 0, sin(p)]
    pm[:,1] = [0,1,0]
    pm[:,2] = [-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]
    km = np.empty((3,3))
    km[:,0] = [cos(k), -sin(k), 0]
    km[:,1] = [sin(k), cos(k), 0]
    km[:,2] = [0,0,1]

# This makes a great test case (Mikhail p.95 has the rotation matrix.)
o = isd['omega']
p = isd['phi']
k = isd['kappa']

# This is R, but we need t to have a proper augmented matrix
R = np.empty((3,4))
R[:,:3] = opk_to_rotation(o, p, k)

RC = np.empty((4,4))
RC[:3,:3] = opk_to_rotation(o, p, k)
RC[:3,-1] = [isd['x_sensor_origin'],
RC[-1] = [0,0,0,1]

invRC = np.linalg.inv(RC)[:3, :]

def setfocalrot(x, y, z):    
    # This is a focal plan rotation matrix that is flipping the camera vertically (I think)
    # 0,0,1000 is the z position of the spacecraft
    c = np.zeros((3,4))
    c[0,0] = 1
    c[1,1] = -1
    c[2,2] = -1
    c[:,3] = [x,y,z]
    return c

# Arguments are spacecraft position: x, y, z
c = setfocalrot(isd['x_sensor_origin'],

def pixelloc(K,R,t, tx, ty):
    res =
    res[0] /= res[-1]
    res[1] /= res[-1]
    res[2] /= res[-1]
    # Mapping from focal plane to pixel space
    return res[:2]
# pixel position on the surface: x,y,z,1
position = np.array([1116890,
# The above should be (ballpark) 90 and 110 I believe
"""position = np.array([1131980,

ploc = pixelloc(K, invRC, position, isd['transx'][1], isd['transy'][2])

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-a141ab415bc1> in <module>()
     22 # This makes a great test case (Mikhail p.95 has the rotation matrix.)
---> 23 o = isd['omega']
     24 p = isd['phi']
     25 k = isd['kappa']

NameError: name 'isd' is not defined

Trying the collinearity version

In [ ]:

In [130]:
def ground_to_image(ground, precision):
    i = 0
    while current_precision > precision:
        current_precision = g2i(ground, precision)
        i += 1
        if i > 10:
def calc_rotation_matrix(o, p, k):
    R = np.empty((3,4))
    R[:,:3] = rotation_from_opk(o, p, k)      
    R[:,:-1] = [0,0,1]
    return R

def g2i(ground):
    gx = ground[0]
    gy = ground[1]
    gz = ground[2]
    r = calc_rotation_matrix(o,p,k)
    # This does not account for adjustments - how 
    lnum = 
    snum = 
    denom =

[[ 0.56849023  0.56123475 -0.60152673]
 [ 0.81728005 -0.30155688  0.49103641]
 [ 0.09419218 -0.7707652  -0.63011811]]

In [ ]: